Use multiple AI models at once

Claude is Hot!
How about Gemini?

Aren't you concerned about the subscription fees for using various AI models?

Use it more affordably without multiple subscriptions
Buy CreditsIf you don't use AI models frequently?Buy just as much as I need!
Time-based Unlimited Pass20%+ savings on monthly fees versus other services
*o1-preview can only be used with credits
지금 VecMul 로 다양한 AI 모델을 만나보세요
오직 유료 회원만을 위한 혜택
  • One credit is deducted for each search on the Premium model. CREDIT will not be deducted if the conversation was not successfully completed due to a server error
  • Chats that violate the policies of other companies such as OpenAI, Anthropic, or Google (violent, sexually explicit, etc.) may be rejected by the server and credit may be deducted.
  • Usage is limited to 10 per minute to prevent non-human/robot use. If bot usage is detected, your account may be suspended. If you need email support, please email
  • Available models may change
Service Period
  • Maximum period of use is 1 year
Refund Policy
  • If you request a refund within 7 days, then you'll receive a refund less any credit used since payment. Example: Paid 200 credits ($8), used 50 credits, requested refund => $6 refunded
  • Refunds are not available after 7 days of payment
  • The credit will be reversed upon refund
  • To request a refund, please contact